Trip Overview This 7-day overland tour from Lhasa to Kathmandu follows the Sino-Nepal highway, which offers tourists amazing views of the Himalaya and the picturesque Tibetan countryside. The visit to the old cities: Lhasa, Gyantse and Shigatse, will giv
Arrival in Lhasa
住宿: Lhasa
After arriving in Lhasa,tourist can take a rest and get acclimatized to high altitude or feel free togo to Potala Square,enjoy the fountain with different colors and get amazing photos of the Potalaand around.
Lhasa City, Potala Place and Barkhor Street
三餐:含早餐 中餐自理(lǐ) 含晚餐
住宿: Lhasa
The tour will begin from UNESCOWorld Heritage site - Potala Palace, which is also the winter palace of Dalai Lama.It's situated at 12,139 feet above sea level. It's a 13-story high buildingthat contains over 1,000 rooms, various statues, stupas, murals and artifacts.
Then continue to Jokhang Temple,another UNESCO World Heritage site. It’s a spiritual center for Buddhists in Tibet.Next to the temple there is Bakhor Street, filled with pilgrims and street vendors,selling traditional Tibetan items such as prayer wheels and jewelry.
Monasteries in Lhasa(Drepung and Sera)
三餐:含早餐 中餐自理(lǐ) 晚餐自理(lǐ)
住宿: Lhasa
In the morning, tourists aregoing to visit Drepung monastery which was one of the “three greet” Gelugmonasteries of Tibetand was founded in 1416. Ganden palace is used as Dalai Lama’s palace in theDrepung before moving to the Potala palace.
Afternoon, Sera Monastery---Itwas one of the “three great” Gelug monasteries of Tibet and was founded in 1419. Thehighlight is the Monks debate at around 3 - 5 in the afternoon.
Lhasa (3650m) to Shigatse
三餐:含早餐 中餐自理(lǐ) 晚餐自理(lǐ)
住宿: Shigatse
In the morning, drive from Lhasa to Shigatse .On the way, drive over the Gampala pass (4790 m), and tourists will have a glimpse of Yamdrok-tso (4400m) .The Lake is surrounded by many snow-capped mountains and in the distance clients can have spectacular views of Holy Mount Nyenchen Khangsar, (7191m) the highest mountain near Lhasa .
Gyantse was historically Tibet's third largest city (after Lhasa and Shigatse).In Gyantse, tourists will visit the famous Pelkor Monastery and Gyantse Kumbum.
After one and a half driving, we arrive in Shigatse, which is the second largest city in Tibet. In Shigatse, tourists will visit Tashilunpo Monastery, the seat of Tibet's second highest incarnation, the Panchen Lama.
Stay overnight in Shigatse
Shigatse(3900m) to Everest(5200m) via Tingri
三餐:含早餐 中餐自理(lǐ) 晚餐自理(lǐ)
住宿: Everest Base Camp
Drive to Lhatse, it is a smalltown where tourists can have lunch.
Then, head to Shegar and if theweather is clear enough then on the way down to Shegar tourists will view theMt, Everest in the distance. After 4 to 6 hours’ drive, tourists will arrive atRongbuk monastery but on the way, they will pass one of the highest Passes in Tibet(pang la pass height 5050m)from that’s pass they will view the whole five highest peaks in the world.
Everest (5200m) to Kyilong Town(2600m)
In the morning, if the weatheris good, tourists can see the sun rise on the top of Mt Everest, after visitingthe base camp, drive to Tongla pass to see the panoramic view of Himalaya mountain range. Then driving down to Kyilong,where is surrounded by forest and with lower altitude about 2600m.
Exit China through Kyilong Border (2600m), then drive to Kathmandu
In the morning, drive clientsto the new tourist border – Kyilong, tour guide will assist clients to checkout of the border. End the tour at the border, if clients need to book aoverland transfer between Kyilong border to Kathmandu,please make the reservation in advance at the travel agency from 50USD to100USD/person according to group size.
All necessary travel permits for Tibet (excluding the Chinese visa)
- Tourist bus/minibus transportation with experienced local driver during tour
- Tourist bus/minibus transportation between airport/train statin and Hotel at designated period of time
- Experienced Local Tibetan private guide
- 4 nights of Economy Hotel twin sharing accommodation with breakfast (B.B), 1 night Dorm or Big Tent with humble accommodation near Rongpuk Monastery, 1 night at Local Basic Hotel in Kyilong.
- One welcome or welfare dinner
- All admission fee of tourists sites listed in the itinerary
- Oxygen bottles/Oxygen tank cylinder provided during the tour days in Tibet
Chinese visa
- Lunches and Dinners, Breakfast at Rongpuk Monastery
- Tips to driver and tour guide
- Single room supplement if clients request a private room in hotels
- Kyilong border to Kathmandu land transfer, if clients need this service, please make a reservation in advance at about 50-100USD/person according to group size.
1. 根据外籍游客入境规定,须以组团的形式赴藏旅行,不能(néng)自由行,由具备入境资质的旅行社安排旅游接待及代办入藏证,游客前往西藏时需携带有(yǒu)效的护照、入藏函原件、中國(guó)签证等,进藏后,需由导游全程带队出行。
2. 旅游者应身體(tǐ)健康,确保自身身體(tǐ)条件能(néng)够顺利完成旅游活动,避免因自身疾病在旅途中引起不良后果。请根据自己的身體(tǐ)条件参加适宜的旅游活动,以免发生意外。
3. 游客在全程旅游或自由活动时请注意安全,请尽量避免单独出行;同行人员、导游的手机、房间号以及自己下榻的酒店(diàn)名称位置 请務(wù)必记住。 请妥善保管自己的证件、钱币以及其他(tā)等贵重物(wù)品,随身不要佩戴贵重首饰或大量现金。不得进入设有(yǒu)警示标志(zhì)的危险區(qū)域,进行游览、拍照 等活动。
4. 住宿提示:西藏地处西部经济落后地區(qū),酒店(diàn)住宿接待条件有(yǒu)限,请勿与内地及沿海发达地區(qū)住宿条件相比。行程所含住宿均為(wèi)舒适性普通住宿,如对住宿有(yǒu)更高要求,请及时联系专属客服,升级住宿标准(可(kě)选挂三星/挂四星/挂五星)。
5. 证件提示:外籍游客在出发时请携带个人有(yǒu)效护照,港澳游客需携带往来大陆回乡证、护照,台湾游客需携带台胞证、身份证、护照。
6. 用(yòng)餐提示:如您选择的是我社的拼团路線(xiàn),包含用(yòng)餐為(wèi)当地的旅游团餐,价格实惠,可(kě)以吃饱,勿以高标准来要求餐点;如您选择的是本店(diàn)的VIP单独制定产品,用(yòng)餐的要求和标准请联系专属客服為(wèi)您另行安排。
7. 天气提示:西藏地區(qū)日照强烈,早晚温差较大,宾馆大多(duō)没有(yǒu)空调,请做好防晒、防寒保暖准备。青藏高原太阳直射,紫外線(xiàn)非常强烈,对视神经可(kě)造成不同程度的损害,要带防辐射的太阳镜和遮阳帽,最好涂抹防晒化妆品,男士也要涂防晒霜。
8. 宗教信息提示:旅游者需遵守西藏自治區(qū)政府相关法律法规、文(wén)化习俗及宗教禁忌;藏區(qū)民(mín)风淳朴,藏民(mín)性格质朴直爽,不能(néng)以城市人的心态标准来衡量,旅游者需尊重藏民(mín)生活,尊重当地风俗,请勿公开谈论与藏族有(yǒu)关的政治话题。
9. 银行提示:西藏地區(qū)基本只有(yǒu)中行、建行、工行、农行四大银行及邮政储蓄,手机使用(yòng)全國(guó)漫游手机卡,请游客们作好相应准备。
10. 寺庙拍摄提示:西藏寺庙建筑风格独特,遇上节日,藏人衣着更是华丽,色彩缤纷,部分(fēn)地方注明付款。可(kě)拍摄,每张50元或更高价,请勿偷拍,偷拍后果是十分(fēn)严重。拍摄人物(wù),尤其是妇女,也要小(xiǎo)心,藏人未必都喜欢被人拍摄,為(wèi)避免不必要的麻烦,取景前最好先打招呼。
11. 行程游玩提示:西藏地區(qū)多(duō)是少数民(mín)族居住地區(qū),深受宗教影响有(yǒu)些习惯不能(néng)以城市人的心态标准来衡量,不要去计较和指责他(tā)们。不要和司机吵架,不要离团观藏人葬礼,偶有(yǒu)不慎,就会触怒当地人,引起不必要的风波;有(yǒu)关藏族的风俗习惯、禁忌等导游会有(yǒu)详细介绍,大家要小(xiǎo)心留意、紧记在心敬请尊重当地民(mín)风民(mín)俗。
12. 限速提示:因西藏線(xiàn)路行車(chē)时间较長(cháng),為(wèi)保障安全,拉萨以外的地區(qū)路段全程限速,许多(duō)时间是在車(chē)上,难免不能(néng)按时吃饭,请客人带一些零食及饼干,也可(kě)带一些西洋参用(yòng)于提神。
13. 健康提示:有(yǒu)严重呼吸气管、心脏、心血管、糖尿病、精神疾病及感冒患者不宜进藏,请谨慎选择(后附高原反应的详细应对办法)。因藏區(qū)经济、医疗等条件有(yǒu)限,且高海拔地區(qū)环境复杂,请旅游者自备抗高反、防过敏、消炎、感冒等药品,以备急需。
14. 本線(xiàn)路為(wèi)散客拼团,在承诺服務(wù)内容和标准不变的前提下 ,可(kě)能(néng)会与其他(tā)旅行社的客人合并用(yòng)車(chē),共同游玩。如您提交订单,则视為(wèi)接受旅行社拼团后统一安排行程。
15. 本产品行程实际出行中,在不减少景点的前提下,导游、司机可(kě)能(néng)会根据天气、交通等情况,对您的行程进行适当调整(如调整景点游览顺序等),以确保行程顺利进行。如因不可(kě)抗力等因素确实无法执行原行程计划,对于因此而造成的费用(yòng)变更,我社实行多(duō)退少补,敬请配合。
16. 出游过程中,如遇不可(kě)抗力因素造成景点未能(néng)正常游玩,导游经与客人协商(shāng)后可(kě)根据实际情况取消或更换该景点,或由导游在现场按旅游产品中的门票价退还费用(yòng),退费不以景區(qū)挂牌价為(wèi)准,敬请谅解。
行程开始前 违约金(占订单总费用(yòng))
3日以上 30%
1—2日 50%
行程开始当日 100%